
Reference Section

Since starting Hack/Make, I wanted it to be more than just a blogroll. The flowing nature of blogs lets your site evolve as posts come and go from the home page but I wanted to compliment that with a more static resource. The new Reference section is a knowledge database to collect and organize past posts that follow specific threads, to outline different ideas and methodologies, and stand as a dumping grounds for things that may not fit elsewhere. There are a few useful pages in there now and I will continue to add to it over time.

The Reference section is formatted using the cool markdown.css to display the pages in a familiar way for plain text users. You can also get the raw markdown for each page, like this GTD Trigger List, so that you can take the entire text and keep it for your own reference.

I’ll be mentioning major updates and additions to Reference in this main feed or you can follow Twitter or Alpha to get more frequent updates on changes.